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When Selling Your Car: Why Choose Retail Consignment?

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Pocket More Money

Unlocking your car's true retail value is the top reason for choosing the auto consignment selling option. Sell your car, truck, SUV, van, classic car, vintage car, exotic car, or custom car faster and pocket a lot more money.

  • The Average Gain you can expect to pocket by using consignment instead of accepting a dealer trade-in or instant cash offer is $1,500 to $3,500.
  • Our network 'Consignment Pro' dealerships can usually sell your vehicle faster than you can. That saves you money on things like insurance coverage and additional depreciation
  • With retail auto consignment you will also save on selling costs versus selling it yourself for things like multiple website listings, classified ads, vehicle history reports. These costs are usually included in the consignment enrollment fees or commissions.


When you sell your vehicle on consignment, you eliminate the risks and real dangers associated with selling it yourself:

  • Strangers coming to your home or work
  • Test drives with strangers
  • Money scams and fraud
  • Improper transfer of ownership after sale
  • Identity theft
  • Product and seller liability


Selling a car is no easy task. It takes industry knowledge, training, skills, passion and vast resources to get it done right and maximize resale dollars. Our network 'Consignment Pro' dealerships are vetted and true automotive retail experts in:

  • Vehicle appraisals
  • Vehicle preparation and reconditioning
  • Market pricing
  • Digital advertising, marketing and social media
  • Negotiations with prospective buyers
  • Buyer trade-ins
  • Buyer financing
  • Mechanical warranties
  • Title transfers and registration
  • Transport and shipping


Most people greatly underestimate the time and hassles of selling a vehicle themselves. The consignment option is clearly the smart way to sell your vehicle because you get top dollar AND it frees up your time and eliminates these common private party sale hassles:

  • Receiving and returning phone calls, texts and email inquiries 24/7
  • Sifting through unqualified shoppers, scammers, low-ballers and tire kickers
  • Unwanted solicitations from web surfers
  • Setting appointment times
  • Appointment "No-shows"
  • Keeping it clean for showings and test drives
  • Test drives
  • Buyer requests for maintenance records and mechanical inspection
  • Negotiating and haggling price
  • Verifying buyer funds
  • Completing title transfer forms correctly

How to Use Retail My Ride

Use Retail My Ride to Find & Connect with one of our trusted network dealerships specializing in selling your type of vehicle on consignment.  Then, take your vehicle to the dealership to discuss their specific program requirements, and obtain a free, no-obligation appraisal.  You can search by Zip code, City, County, State, and filter your search by vehicle type, including Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Vans, Classics, Exotics, Antiques, Custom/Mods, Wheelchair accessible, Commerical.

You can also request a free no-obligation quote and consultation by one of our consignment experts at Retail My Ride before being connected to your local network dealership.

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Retail My Ride
Retail My Ride is the best source for sellers to get connected with a licensed retail dealership that will sell their vehicle for them on consignment. Simply hand them the keys to your car, truck, van, SUV, classic car, exotic car, or custom car, then sit back, relax and collect a whole lot more money when it sells. Learn about us.

Browse our collection of Articles, Common questions, and Testimonials. Find out Which Vehicles Are Best Suited for Consignment and What Your Vehicle is Worth Using Consignment. Search our network of trusted retail consignment dealerships by zip code, city, county, or state to easily find and get connected with nearby dealers that specialize in selling your type of vehicle.